Friday, September 22, 2006

Funny story last night... We went out for dinner after test-driving a new truck (a story for another day...) with our neighbours. Now, dinner out with our gang is always a fun experience, but I have to say, my kids are pretty darned good at a restaurant. I admit, we eat out FAR too much, but at least my kidlings know how to order a meal and behave (somewhat) at a restaurant! We spent much of the dinner recalling some funny things that happened at the Richmond Fair. For those of you who have never been - I highly recommend it! The Saturday night dance is a blast, especially if you go with a bunch of friends who coudn't care less how much of a fool you make of yourself, and still love you in the morning! We decided that what happens at the Richmond Fair STAYS at the Richmond Fair, so unfortunately, I won't be sharing too many of those escapades with you. Well, maybe just those that don't incriminate too many people. I'm sure if I just use initials rather than names, I could tell the story about the hula hoops, vegetable oil and booby glitter? well....maybe not. In the midst of this conversation, I mentioned, casually, that I was starting a blog.

DH: A blog? What's a blog?
G: That's one of those online diary thingies, isn't it?
Me: Yessir....
N: What are you going to write about?
Me: Oh, I don't know... you know..just the trials and tribulations of my life. I know, it's not very exciting, but who knows? Someone might find it amusing.
DH: Great.. you're going to talk about me, aren't you...
N: Well, that would be funny.
DH: What are you saying?
Me: Nothing, dear.. don't worry..I won't write about just you.

So, here it is, my first embarassing husband story. Warning - I almost peed my pants when this actually happened, so make sure you're sitting on a towel.

Last night, we were thrilled to watch the season premieres of Gray's Anatomy and ER. I have been an ER junkie since the inception of the show, and have missed very few episodes. When Gray's came along... I fell into it, but was distraught that it was on at 10! on Sunday! Made for a very sleepy Monday morning. Imagine my bliss when I found out that I would have something decent to watch between Survivor and ER! Mind you, this season, I haven't gotten into Survivor quite yet, and I can't say I miss it. The jury's out on that one. So...we watched Gray's and ER...bawled like a baby... and turned out the lights to head of to dreamland. DH rolled over to turn on the fan, and then the fun began. I heard a crash, some swearing, and what sounded like blind grasping for something. Then:

DH: Help.... please?
(I hear a know..that sound a oscillating fan makes when it can't turn?)
Me: What did you do?
DH: Just...please? Before the end of my fingers get cut off by the fan?
Me: ok... hold on...
DH: Um.. now...please? I'm falling...
(I turn on the light, and that's when the pee almost hit the floor)
Me: (Giggling hysterically) Oh did you manage that?
DH: Just get over here.... please.....(not sounding so amused anymore)

Now, let me describe the scene... My husband had rolled over a little too close to the edge of the bed, and was now wedged beween the mattress and the night table. The fan (just a table-top fan) had fallen over and was next to his head, trying to turn (hence the DH is hanging on to the headboard, trying not to fall on top of his glasses which are on the floor beneath him. I, on the other hand, am standing at the foot of the bed, legs crossed, trying not to pee, I'm laughing so hard. I eventually got over it, rescued the poor bugger and pulled the fan off his head. He hauled himself back onto the bed and proceeded to head off to sleep. I, unfortunately, continued to giggle for quite a while and eventually drifted off...

Thanks honey, for the comic relief I needed after that heavy episode of ER!

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