Monday, October 02, 2006

I apologize to all my loyal readers (ahem) for the dead air over the weekend. Between some kind of stomach bug, hockey sort-outs (oh yes, the drama continues), birthday parties, wedding, sleepover at Grandma & Grandpa’s changing the brakes on the van, it was a little busy.
It all started with a call from Matt’s school Thursday afternoon…so off I go to pick up said sick child, and we head for home to sleep on the couch and watch cartoons…right?
Wrong. Do you think I could spend an afternoon at home without doing laundry, cleaning up the kitchen, sorting through baby clothes for an upcoming consignment sale? No. Had to do it all. And then said child miraculously feels better after only an hour on the couch and insists that he’s STARVING. We then went to yet another night of hockey evaluations and then for a quick bite at a local restaurant. Poor Gracie must have been starting to feel the effects of her brother’s bug, because she promptly expelled the contents of her belly all over the table as soon as she was done eating. How embarrassing is that that??? Poor thing. I brought her straight home, put her to bed and she didn’t pull an exorcist again. Thank. God. I don’t do vomit very well. By this time, I was starting to feel a little green myself, and ended up staying home on Friday with the kidlets. Again, didn’t take the opportunity for a restful day, but spent most of it doing laundry and tidying… a hopeless cause at our house! Matt had a birthday party that he couldn’t possibly miss on Friday night at 5 – who starts a birthday party at 5 on a Friday???? – across town, so off we went and spent a nice evening with Grace, looking for a new truck. She was terribly upset that we left Matt at the birthday party place “No leave Matew dere!” but eventually got over it! We all fell into bed by 9, and were up and at it again the next morning!

Saturday brought a 2-hour hockey session in the morning, during which we ran across the street and bought a new truck. Hopefully we’ll have it by the end of the week! From there, we raced to a bowling alley to drop Matt off at yet another birthday party, for which we were ½ an hour late…sigh… Matt was terribly disappointed that he didn’t make the team he wanted to make. He’s only playing with one other boy that he played with last year. We’ll see how this turns out… We flew home from the birthday party, got dressed for the wedding, and flew back to the birthday party to deliver the little one to Grandma & Grandpa for the night. And then flew to Smiths Falls for the wedding.

I HATE being late. We snuck into the church right behind the Bride. I was tempted to ask her if she’d like us to walk with her… but thought better of it when she turned around, shot me a look and said, “You’re late.” Could I please just shrink into a little speck and not be seen? Please? We let her go down the aisle and snuck in a side door, so that no one would notice. Lovely ceremony, and reception to follow at the church hall right next door! You know all those weddings when you have no idea what to do to kill time between the ceremony and the reception? This family has it wrapped up. Let me tell you about the “drunk bus”. Oh yes, it’s every bit as glamorous as it sounds. Picture an old camper from the early 70’s… watch your step, and don’t get hung up in the shag carpeting covering the inside of the van…. Basically, the way the “drunk bus” works is that the family loads into this thing, and drives around for the time during the ceremony and reception … makes a stop at the liquor store, beer store, swings by the photo location… you know… the usual! We had a police car following us most of the way. When we returned to the church hall, someone had (Oh…the horror!) parked in the RV’s original parking spot. I had gotten out of the bus when the Bride had to use the facilities (yes, the “facilities”) at the back of the camper. I figured a girl needs her privacy, after all. Unfortunately, said Bride forgot to close the blinds at the back of the camper and lo and behold…we had a bridal moon… anyhow. The RV driver was desperate to get back into the original parking spot, and decided to try to fit the RV between two parked cars to get to the premium spot. When he realized he only had a ¼ inch clearance on either side, and his door handle got caught on one car’s wheel well…the logical solution was to get some of the male wedding guests to PICK UP the offending car and move it. I have NEVER seen anything like this in my life. The owner of the other car (a much newer, shinier, SUV-type car) came out of the hall when they gentlemen attempted to lift and move his car. I can’t begin to tell you how not impressed he looked. After all, the RV got back to the premium parking spot, no fights were started and the party continued. Unfortunately, DH ended up feeling very ill after dinner, so we left around 10:30 to head home, where he was up all night feeling very, very ill.
Sunday was a quiet, lazy day, and we spent it changing brakes, doing laundry, running to the grocery store, and making a lovely dinner. Nice Sunday, after all. Now we’re back to work and back to hockey… fun…

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