Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Bloggy Review

I have just spent an obscene amount of time reading Marla's blog over at Hello Josephine. And all of the archives. All I can say is WOW. Steve and Josie are so lucky to have you, as you are lucky to be blessed with such a wonderful Husband and incredible daughter. Reading this blog, you can feel the love just oozing from Marla's words, like the maple syrup oozes off a waffle when you break the barrier around the little squares. (See... I'm trying to be poetic, and it just sound cheezy). Her adventures with Boo Boo are hysterical, and her adventures in parenting, wifing, and familing are both inspiring and touching, and more often then not, quite funny! I recommend, if you have a minute... or several hours, as in my case, it will be time well spent!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so very much. It really makes a gloomy November day with a barfy, whiny and sick little fuzzy headed toddler much much sweeter to hear this.