Friday, December 15, 2006

So..the humbugginess hasn’t quite gone away, but I’m slowly starting to get into the spirit of things. Unfortunately, I do have some “Big Things” looming over me that will more than likely mar the start of the New Year, but I’m really trying hard to keep my chin up, for the sake of having a wonderful Christmas for the kids. I had a doctor’s appointment last night that I’ve been putting off for a while, because I’m one of those people that likes to avoid things when I know they’re not going to be pleasant. I had to have a mole removed from my arm that’s been there for a while, but has recently gotten “ugly”. So… 15 minutes of freezing, cutting, digging and stitching, and I’m good to go. Now that little part of my arm, that’s been with me for 33 years, is off to pathology for a biopsy. I miss it. Cross your fingers and hope for an “all clear!”. Unfortunately, I also got to hear the results of my blood tests from a few weeks ago, which just confirmed what I was dreading. It seems that I’m officially diabetic. Type 2. Manageable by diet and exercise. I asked my Dr. if I could wait until after New Year’s to “be” diabetic, but it seems I really need to start cutting out the sweet stuff and carbs now. Which didn’t go over all that well when I showed up at my son’s Child Care Pot Luck an hour and a half late (Dr’s appointment…) and all that was left was buns and desserts. Yahoo! I guess it’s a good thing that I haven’t gotten any of my Christmas baking done! This morning, a parent came into my office with a big tray of home-baked muffins and plopped them on my desk. I swear, as soon as you’re not allowed to eat something… it shows up everywhere…. I guess I’ll spend Christmas with visions of Splendaplums dancing in my head.

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