Monday, September 25, 2006

Well, it seems that hockey season is upon us again. Now, I don’t mean NHL-professional-Hockey Night in Canada hockey season. I mean drag your ass out of a perfectly good bed wake up your kids while its still dark and drive to a freezing cold arena at some ungodly hour of the morning hockey season. YAY.

For us, this week is “player evaluation” week. In other words: try-outs. Someone in the upper echelons of minor hockey land felt that try-outs might be too harsh a concept for little ones, so let’s call it “evaluation” instead. But really, what this translates into in my life is another week of going to the arena for a 6pm session EVERY NIGHT this week. Which means we have to be at the arena at 5:30. Which means we have to leave the house at 5:00. Which means, I get to leave work, pick my son up at the school child care, pick my daughter up at her caregiver’s, go home and let the dog out, perhaps stuff an apple in their faces and run out the door. Then, we get to sit and let our hemorrhoids grow in the cold arena while I chase Grace up and down the concrete stairs, all the time picturing a long night at the Children’s Hospital. Once the session is over, I get to endure my son begging for a Slushie and treats from the canteen, when, in reality, we still haven’t had dinner. So then we’ll get home at about 7:30 and begin dinner. 7:30 is usually when we start our bedtime routine at our house. The bath/shower, pyjamas, stories, etc… to get the kids in bed by 8-8:30 at the latest. You can see where this completely throws off my routine.

So, although most parents would be cheering their sons on to make the “A” team because it’s the best team, I’m cheering him on in hopes of not having to go back for Thursday and Friday. And hey, if he makes the “A” team… I will be an uber-proud Hockey Mom….and much happier for not having to spend EVERY night at the arena this week. GO MATT GO!

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