WHY am I so tired....? I just can't seem to get ahead of myself with this sleeping thing. I'm going to bed early, and I still wake up in the mornings feeling like something the cat dragged in! I think it might have something to do with the lack of light these days at 6am, but MAN, what I would do to just be able to sleep uninterrupted until oh... let's say.... 9? for a week? Gracie summed it up for me this morning. I went into her room to wake her up to bring her to the sitter's (what a sin). She was buried under her blankie and her various bears, bunnies and friends. When I turned the light on, she burrowed deeper into her nest, and pulled the blankie over her head. I suggested it was time to go to Carrie's house, and she said: "I go soon, Mummy. I sleeping with my bunnies now." What I would give to be sleeping with my bunnies right now.
Some "bunny" loves ewe....
Hardy har har....
Hey, thanks for dropping by and de-lurking today! Ah, sleep deprivation, the one thing ALL mothers of preschoolers seem to have in common.
Thanks for the link, I'll be back!
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