Thursday, November 02, 2006

48 things about me that you probably aren't interested in at all but I'm going to tell you anyway ...

1. first name? Vanessa
2. were you named after anyone? I was supposed to be an Andrea or "Andriyka". My parents saw me and realized that I needed something a little more exotic.
3. when did you last cry? The other day, when I was telling my friend about the movie "On the Beach", and describing my emotional breakdown when I watched it not long after 9/11.
4. do you like your handwriting? Yes - it's pretty nice. Lots of people compliment me on it, and I manage to gt my point across on paper, so it serves the purpose!
5. what is your favorite lunch meat? Haha.... anything that's not "mock" or a "loaf". Kobassa probably ranks as my favourite, but not the cheap kobassa-esque stuff they pass of at the grocery store as "polish coil", but the real stuff from the polish sausage shop.
6. if you were another person would you be friends with you? I'd like to think so. I know I can be a little over the top at times, but I'm not overly obnoxious most of the time. And I'm a good cook. At least I would go over to my house for food.
7. do you have a journal? Besides this blog, no. I was one of those people who always tried to keep a diary or a journal, and besides the journal I kept when Matt was first born, I never really succeeded.
8. do you still have your tonsils? I sure do, but my husband seems to keep looking for them in there.... (ahem...)
9. would you bungee jump? Only if someone pushed me off the cliff.
10. what is your favorite cereal? Honeycombs sans milk.
11. do you untie your shoes when you take them off? no....busted....
12. do you think you are strong? physically - not in the least, mentally - yes, emotionally - depends on the day.
13. what is your favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate mint chip or pralines and cream. Especially from Laura Secord
14. shoe size? 9.5W or 10
15. red or pink? Red. definitely red.
16. what is the least favorite thing about yourself? I'm terrible with the follow-through. On a lot of things.
17. whom do you miss the most? People who know me will think I'm nuts, but I miss my Dad most. I miss that he wasn't a part of my life for the last 20 years, and that my kids never knew him. I wish we could have gotten along and had a semi-normal relationship, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
18. do you want everyone to send this back to you? umm.. how?
19. what color pants, shirt and shoes are you wearing? Navy pants, Brown shoes and striped top - Aqua, peach, lime and baby yellow.
20. last thing you ate? Grilled cheese sandwich
21. what are you listening to right now? Students counting canned good from our canned food drive
22. if you were a crayon, what color would you be? hmmm... One of my favourite crayola colours is "Mac and Cheese"
23. favorite smell? food... except for anything curry-like, campfire - particularly when it's cold outside, and baby... who doesn't love baby smell!
24. who was the last person you talked to on the phone? The lovely lady who took over for me at my old job.
25. the first thing you notice about people you are attracted to? their smile and willingness to be a little goofy
26. do you like the person you stole this from? I think Babci is great! I've been following her daughter's and her blogs for a while now, and she does remind me a lot of my mom (my kid's Baba) and my Baba, all rolled up into one!
27. favorite drink? Alcoholic? Tequila... just ask Bill. Non-alcoholic? Ice cold water.
28. favorite sport? to watch... anything my kids are playing :)
29. eye color? Tres blue.
30. hat size? big. as in So I Married an Axe Murderer Orange-on-a-toothpick big.
31. do you wear contacts? yes. and they're NOT coloured. God, I hate it when people ask me that. Do you just go up to someone and say - oh.. I love your hair colour... is it clairol or your own? How about... You've got lovely breasts..are they implants?
32. favorite food? wings...fajitas....nachos...just bring me to your local pub
33. scary movies or happy endings? I like both.
34. summer or winter? Summer and fall, but I love Christmas, so I guess winter falls in there somewhere. If only the winters weren't quite as long here...
35. hugs or kisses? Definitely both
36. favorite dessert? Do I have to pick a favourite? It used to be the Deep-fried apple burro at Houston's....honestly, as long as I have just a little something sweet... I'm happy
38. who is most likely to respond? I don't really know... as you may notice, the comments on my blog are a little scarce...hint hint... leave a comment!
39. least likely to respond? Everybody else.
40. what books are you reading? Just finished "Can You Keep a Secret" by Sophie Kinsella... loved it!
41. what's on your mouse pad? A smear of liquid paper
42. what did you watch last night on tv? trash tv... America's Next Top Model
43. favorite sounds? baby giggles... my husband NOT snoring.... the coins pouring out of a slot machine into MY bucket
44. the rolling stones or beatles? Neither … Abba.
45. the farthest you've been from home? Europe...
46. what's your special talent? Tying a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue
47. where were you born? Ottawa, Ontario
48. who sent this to you? Noone... I stole it from the Mater. Now steal it from me! Tag, you’re it!


Anonymous said...

Well done my little thief! I'm proud of you :>)

Aha, you are so right about the polish sausage - I cringe in the food markets when it's a generic brand. Ya gotta go with the ethnic variety (kielbasa) and not always easy to find. We share chocolate chip mint too.

Loved reading your replies and finding out more about you. And I love that I remind you of your Baba.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I'm an Andrejka sometimes. Your parents must be Eastern European.

Am I right? ;)

Mama V said...

Good guess! My Mom's side is Ukrainian!