Bah humbug?
I don’t know what’s going on, but I seem to be in an anti-Christmas funk this year. For those who know me well, you know that this is highly unusual. I’m usually very keen to get my decorations up, get the lights on the house, and often get into arguments with DH about the appropriate timing of said events. This year, I honestly could not care less when or where the decorations are going up, and I have even suggested not lighting up the house. Imagine, if you will, Clark Griswold suddenly deciding that he doesn’t want to “do” Christmas. My MIL used to tell me how much she didn’t enjoy Christmas because of all of the hustle-and-bustle, shopping, cleaning, preparations, wrapping, cooking, and general insanity. I used to say: “What??? Hate Christmas??? But that’s what I love about Christmas! The music, the lights, the rush, the shopping, the family and friends!” I hate to admit it, but am I letting it all get to me? I do enjoy the shopping; I love the music, the lights, and the family and friends getting together. I just can’t get into it this year. Yes, I have a lot of stress in my life lately, maybe that’s it? The kids have been ill one way or another, as have DH and I since September, maybe that’s it? I have most of my shopping done, and I haven’t gone over budget. Entertaining isn’t a big deal – our family all pitches in and brings food and drinks and everything else. And I love entertaining! My Mom mentioned baking shortbread the other day and I actually sighed, and said “Oh yeah – I guess I’ll have to do that soon.” I used to love baking and honestly looked forward to trying out all sorts of new recipes and filling my cookie canisters with all sorts of festive treats. Is it because we’re so busy that the thought of trying to fit in an afternoon of baking is just overwhelming? If anyone has any suggestions of how to de-grinchify myself… I’m willing to hear ‘em!
I don’t know what’s going on, but I seem to be in an anti-Christmas funk this year. For those who know me well, you know that this is highly unusual. I’m usually very keen to get my decorations up, get the lights on the house, and often get into arguments with DH about the appropriate timing of said events. This year, I honestly could not care less when or where the decorations are going up, and I have even suggested not lighting up the house. Imagine, if you will, Clark Griswold suddenly deciding that he doesn’t want to “do” Christmas. My MIL used to tell me how much she didn’t enjoy Christmas because of all of the hustle-and-bustle, shopping, cleaning, preparations, wrapping, cooking, and general insanity. I used to say: “What??? Hate Christmas??? But that’s what I love about Christmas! The music, the lights, the rush, the shopping, the family and friends!” I hate to admit it, but am I letting it all get to me? I do enjoy the shopping; I love the music, the lights, and the family and friends getting together. I just can’t get into it this year. Yes, I have a lot of stress in my life lately, maybe that’s it? The kids have been ill one way or another, as have DH and I since September, maybe that’s it? I have most of my shopping done, and I haven’t gone over budget. Entertaining isn’t a big deal – our family all pitches in and brings food and drinks and everything else. And I love entertaining! My Mom mentioned baking shortbread the other day and I actually sighed, and said “Oh yeah – I guess I’ll have to do that soon.” I used to love baking and honestly looked forward to trying out all sorts of new recipes and filling my cookie canisters with all sorts of festive treats. Is it because we’re so busy that the thought of trying to fit in an afternoon of baking is just overwhelming? If anyone has any suggestions of how to de-grinchify myself… I’m willing to hear ‘em!
Come over to my house, and I'll cook for you! I think you need a little pampering, just to remind you that you ARE special!!
Thanks mamalee! I am getting a bit better... got the tree up yesterday...
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